Friday, June 20, 2008

The Beginning


I'm a writer. That's what I do, and any writer will tell you that it's more than just what you do -- it becomes who you are.

But, as a writer, and someone who thinks that it is more than just what you do and, in a way, defines you, I've not been doing much writing lately. In fact, it's been pretty dried up the last few months.

So that's what this site is. This is an exercise I'm posing for myself -- if you enjoy it, please let me know, but that's not really the point here.

The challenge to myself is this: I will post 365 poems: one a day, every day, for a year.

Ideally, this will spur me into a creative groove, one that I can transfer to whatever other writing projects I'm working on.

Now, some may be older poems I've written some time ago. I don't see this as cheating; the writing process naturally cannot happen EVERY day, but I certainly don't have enough to last me from beginning to end, and I will, with all honesty, be trying to post as many newly written pieces here as I can. I just know that there may be nights that I won't get to this, so I'll have a few back ups, just in case.

So, ground rules I'm setting for myself:
1. Post every day by 12 AM Central time (my local time - that's midnight, just to be clear).
2. No more than 2 consecutive days of prior written poetry.
3. No max or min on length: the idea is just to write, though it should certainly be poetry.
4. Some posts may be "delayed" or "timed" posts: that is, written earlier, and set to be posted later. This is OK so long as the poems were either A, written specifically for that day, or B, do not have two consecutively written older items. This is the "Vacation Clause."
5. Some will be good. Some will be bad. Some will be weird. These are not important things: what is important is that every day there is something new, and something that you may use to build upon what you've already done.

If you like this idea and would like to borrow it yourself, feel free! Modify the rules to it if you need to: I try and keep this strict for me, so I know exactly what is required of myself. Let me know, and I'll be happy to link to you!

And finally, post any comments, criticism, and anything else freely: I'd love to hear what other people think!

-Kevin (kmt)

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